Medical Diagnosis - Transferrin Saturation

Medical Diagnosis is a private clinical pathology laboratory based in North London, close to Wembley Stadium, that provides a wide range of direct laboratory-to-client services to both healthcare professionals and the public.

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Transferrin Saturation


Transferrin is the iron transport protein in serum. In cases of iron deficiency, the degree of transferrin saturation appears to be an extremely sensitive indicator of functional iron depletion. The rate of synthesis in the liver can be altered in accordance with the body’s iron requirements and iron reserves.

The ferritin levels are depressed when there is a deficiency of storage iron. In sideropenia, an iron deficiency can be excluded if the serum transferrin concentration is low, as in inflammations or – less commonly – in cases of ascorbic acid deficiency.

In screening for hereditary hemochromatosis, transferrin saturation provides a better indication of the homozygous genotype than does ferritin. The treatment of anemia with erythropoietin in patients with renal failure is only effective when sufficient depot iron is present.

The best monitoring procedure is to determine transferrin saturation during therapy. Transferrin saturation in conjunction with ferritin gives a conclusive prediction of the exclusion of iron overloading in patients with chronic liver disease.

Samples required: 1
  • Blood Sample
Results in: 4 hours

There is an additional £15 phlebotomy fee for every donation.

Medical Diagnosis
Please check our reception opening hours for 03/05 - 28/05