Medical Diagnosis - Toxoplasma Gondii IgM

Medical Diagnosis is a private clinical pathology laboratory based in North London, close to Wembley Stadium, that provides a wide range of direct laboratory-to-client services to both healthcare professionals and the public.

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Toxoplasma Gondii IgM


Toxoplasmosis is a common infection caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The infection is mainly acquired by ingestion of food or water that is contaminated by mature oocysts shed by cats or by undercooked meat containing tissue cysts. Primary, acute infection which is mostly mild or even asymptomatic in healthy individuals, is followed by a latent infection which usually persists for life. Primary maternal Toxoplasma infection occurring during pregnancy may lead to severe damage of the fetus as the parasite can be transmitted across the placenta. The fetal infection rate increases with gestational age. However, the risk of severe clinical manifestations is higher in case of early maternal infection. Early drug therapy in acute infection during pregnancy can prevent congenital damage or ameliorate the severity of clinical manifestations. The diagnosis of Toxoplasma infection is most commonly made by the detection of anti‑Toxoplasma‑specific IgG and IgM antibodies. The determination of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii is used to assess the serological status to T. gondii and is indicative of an acute or latent infection. The detection of IgM antibodies to T. gondii could indicate an acute, recent or reactivated Toxoplasma infection.

Test Status: Non-accredited
Samples required: 1
  • Blood Sample
Results in: 3 working days

There is an additional £15 phlebotomy fee for every donation.

Medical Diagnosis
Please check our reception opening hours for 03/05 - 28/05